halloween spider crafts for kids

23 Halloween Spider Crafts

by Kristy on October 19, 2012

Halloween Spider Crafts

Alright…I’ll admit it, I loathe spiders. They are creepy and crawly and ridding my house of them brings me much joy. There are however some cute and fun Halloween spider crafts that I have come across on Pinterest and around the web.(Did I just put cute and spider in the same sentence!?) So I figured I would make a round-up post of all of the Halloween spider crafts and Halloween spider web crafts that I have come across.

I just have to keep reminding myself that the spiders in these crafts aren’t real and I don’t need to go hunting for the best spider-killing shoe I can find. :) Enjoy, and try to not walk straight into the sticky spider webs. I have done that before and I’m sure I looked like a lunatic screaming and jumping to make sure I wasn’t about to die from a heart spider attack.

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